
Our houses for sale

Sunday, 21 February 2010

No problem too great

I don't know what is the matter with me at the moment - my normal get up and go seems to have got up and gone while I was looking the other way. Perhaps it is the usual February thing - fed up with winter, although we have had two stunning spring days and today is a third, and yesterday we mananged to plant the 40 new strawberry plants, rather than watching them rot in their plastic bag in the hall. I think the thing is I have still got too many things on my 'to do' list: too much that I should be doing (washing, cleaning, changing sheets, writing the French description of a house that we visited about 2 weeks ago, etc.) and too many other things that I would like to be doing (walking with dogs, exercising my poor old muscles, reading the EODD, reading anything, cooking the lunch, writing this blog and so on).

Part of my lethargy stems, I am sure, from the fact that I am fat. 73.9 kilos at the moment. Now, for me, that doesn't mean anything because I was brought up in stone and ounces, so it really hasn't sunk in just how overweight I am. I think I should be about 65 kilos so I should be aiming to lose about 10. But this is all so much jibberish - measuring in kilos is a self-kiddery which completely defeats the object of weighing at all. So I've just taken the plunge and converted my weight into stone: 11.637257982490201 aaaargh - I knew it. That's over 11 and a half stone! Jes-us - no wonder I feel old and tired.

So I need some goals: well Sylvie and Magali are having a party to celebrate their PACS (civil wedding)next weekend so that's a start. Obviously it's too soon for me to have made a huge difference but schools are back tomorrow so no more late nights and long lie-ins; the new disciplined me awakes tomorrow with sensible eating and exercise plan.

The following deadline is April 2nd for the mayor's party, and then, of course, the summer! I am going to jump off the viaduct with a piece of elastic round my ankles this summer and I do not want to be waddling around with no clothes on this year - a bikini-ready body is imperative! I'll let you know how I get on.