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Thursday, 28 January 2010

Birthday party

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Yesterday Harriet and Fred went to a birthday party of the eldest son of a family with five chidren and two mothers, let's call them M & S. They are lesbians, although I assume this has not always been the case as evidenced by the kids. And before you all start shouting, I have heard of the turkey baster method, among others, but I think, in this case there were actual fathers around. I'm no expert and I'm not sure how you define these things, or perhaps one shouldn't try for fear of being pejorative but I find this a fascinating subject - endless food for thought. They have had relationships with men and for one reason or another have ended up together. Anyway, I was just wondering about how the children (4 boys, one girl) might be affected by the absence of father. Reminds me of a line from a B B King song: 'I gave you 7 children and now you won't give them back';

In the late 80's and early 90's I used to work for Centrepoint Soho, housing the young homeless in London; an organisation which is (or was then)staffed almost entirely by gays and lesbians, which was fun, I enjoyed it and was educated. Here in rural France, never mind that 15 years have gone by, there is so much more prejudice that it's hard to broach the subject in a sensitive way, especially since my language skills are rather limited. So, I find myself waiting for information to be volunteered. Yesterday, M was saying that she doesn't know how to give mother's love having grown up in a foster home and never knew her mother. She only knew her father from the age of 12, and he died when she was 18! So I remind myself not to be judgemental and to count my giant heap of blessings.

Generally the French are not judgemental; they don't judge each other in a negative way like we do in England. Wait, this should be a new post. Please add your comments; it is nice to know that people are reading the blog. I was wrong in the beginning.

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