
Our houses for sale

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Most of the time, the work we do as estate agents is great fun. However, like anything in life there are times when you are faced with a dilemma; no, dilemma is too mild a word; something that keeps you awake at night and makes you feel sick and headachey all day. The worst feeling is that you are letting someone down, and the sale I have today is the worst case of letting down my buyers I have ever had, resulting in two weeks of sleeplessness for me, constant stomach churning worry that makes me unsure whether I am hungry or feel sick and blinding headaches.

I have a philosophy not to worry - it doesn't help anyone, but how can you control your emotions if something is worrying you? Anyway, all this will come to a head today as we all go to the Notaire's to sign the Acte, or possibly not. Working with people and not knowing how they are going to respond is what makes it scary, but also what makes it fun and interesting in other situations.

Well, I've got to get on with it now, but I'll post again later to let you know how it went.

Aargh, wish me luck!

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