
Our houses for sale

Sunday, 4 September 2011

My mum is still very ill

I saw my gorgeous mum today and spent a couple of hours there. She feels sick all the time and so doesn't feel like eating (also says hospital food - YUK!). She's very weak and needs to eat and she told me that the surgeon asked her what her favorite food is, to which she replied onion soup, and spinach whereupon he went out and bought it for her from the local french restaurant! What a charming man he sounds. She said it was very dry and the onion soup wasn't proper.

My journey from Stansted last night was riddled with annoyances. Firstly, my train ticket, which I had booked the night before on, failed to materialise (no information available) so I had to re-buy my ticket; I arrived puffing on the platform as the guard (I expect they're not called guards anymore) blew his whistle so I jumped on the train in a panic. How I cursed to see the Stansted Express whistle past us a few minutes later. The train I was on stopped at every single station and about an hour later deposited me in Stratford (East London, not Shakespeare's, happily). Aiming for Paddington to get the train to Maidenhead, I got the next central line train heading for Ealing Broadway. Quite a lot of the Maidenhead trains stop at Ealing Broadway, so I spent a large part of the journey between Stratford and Queensway debating whether to change at Notting Hill Gate (for Paddington) or risk it and go straight to Ealing Broadway. As it turned out that would have been a good decision as the district and circle lines weren't playing due to planned engineering work, and I ended up getting the next Ealing Broadway train onwards. However, due to this little escapade I missed the train I should have got at Ealing Broadway by 5 minutes. Still, it wasn't too bad as I only had to wait another 10 minutes or so till the next one came along and I got to Dolphin Cottage by 9.00.

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