
Our houses for sale

Saturday 30 April 2011

April showers, a royal wedding and life goes on

We are in desperate need of some rain. We haven't had any rain of significance for well over a month and as today is 30th April; so where are the April showers? Although this has meant that we have had a glorious spring which I really can't complain about, the potatoes, onions and, in fact, the entire contents of the kitchen garden is struggling a bit. Lakes have dried up all over the region and there is a dearth of water everywhere.

The Royal Wedding was yesterday. We sat through it as MIL is here and didn't want to miss it, and I think the children enjoyed it. Personally, I found it hard to get excited, although they do seem a charming couple. All the fashion-conscious people were wearing these inane hats called 'Fascinators', IMO they look really daft and are neither complimentary nor complementary. Posh, for example, was in an air stewardess hat from the 1970's stuck with superglue to her forehead.

Anyway, what do I know? I've never had much interest in fashion - more interested in country bumpkin ways and, like my neighbours, in how the tomatoes are doing!

The lovely Easter holidays come to an end tomorrow and it's back to early rising on Monday - which is good. Need to go to bed earlier too.