
Our houses for sale

Friday 6 January 2017

New Year

Oh dear, Christmas has been and gone. It was lovely - we had two as Gus was working on actual Christmas day (at Futuroscope) and Fenella went to spend it with Ben's parents. So Toby, Harriet, Freddy and I had fun on Christmas day and had a delicious Boeuf en Croute very late and opened a couple of presents from each other. I got a new music system that is Blue tooth and does everything - very fancy. I can have Spotify or You Tube on my computer and have the music coming out of the speakers. What with scientific! Then we had stockings and turkey on 28th. Fenella had a sick bug so it was not very much fun for her - and everyone else was paranoid about catching it but we didn't - made of sterner stuff.

I have just converted my weight (77.8 kilos) to stone and OMG - it's 12 stone 4! That is so fat! It's so dangerous weighing in kilos because it just doesn't mean anything. I should be 10 stone - that's 63.5 kilos. On LIFT weight loss get fit support group I have set myself a goal of 65 kilos by 1st April which should not be too difficult but I do need to start being sensible. Yesterday I tried to fast but by midday I was famished, started with some lettuce (okay) but then woofed a piece of chorizo, and then it all just went out of the window and I finished by eating Christmas cake, Ferrero rocher, a huge helping of risotto and lots of chocolate!  Even though I felt sick I didn't stop! What is this self-destructive behaviour all about? I know it's a mind-set - just need to get the right one, and I think a bit of progress will set me back on the right path.